Join Scentsy in October 2022 and get a FREE Deluxe Diffuser!

 FREE Deluxe Diffuser with your Starter Kit in October!

Right now is the BEST time to join Scentsy! The Holiday seasons are busy, exciting and so much fun! This is great for those who are looking to make some extra Christmas money or are looking for some financial freedom. Of course, if you are someone who LOVES Scentsy and plan to gift Scentsy, why not make some of that money back?

When I first joined, I was skeptical. I had hosted a party to try to earn my kit for free (YES, that is an option!) and nobody ordered from my party. However, I decided to go for it anyway! I was brand new to Scentsy and had hardly used any of the products. I didn't even know that Scentsy made cleaning and body products or much of anything aside from warmers and wax. I went in blindly not knowing much at all. My launch party brought in over $1000 in sales in my first month with the company and I doubled what I spent on the kit right off the bat. What I decided to do just for fun became something I loved and has supplemented my full time income and made things possible that never were before. 

I joined with the idea I was here for fun, nothing more, and that brought me to where I am today. As a Director. Leading a team. Earning incentive trips. Crushing goals. Finding my passion. LOVING MY LIFE. I am a completely different person because of Scentsy and the people I met along the way! This is just MY story, but there are so many reasons to join!

Top Reasons to Join Scentsy

  1. You get to decide how much you work. This is YOUR business. You are an Independent Consultant. Nobody is here to tell you what to do but we will be here to cheer you on! Set your own goals and schedule. Go big or just earn some cash back on purchases. The choice is yours.
  2. No pressure. I know, some companies will tell you what you NEED to do and what your goals SHOULD be, but with Scentsy, nobody will be putting any pressure on you. You tell me what you want to achieve, I will help you put together a plan IF YOU WANT and I will cheer you on. You can change your goals and your plans any time! 
  3. Financial Freedom. There is no income cap which means you can make as much or as little as you want. You want to make an extra $100 to get your nails done? You got it. You need a little extra grocery money this month? Go for it. You want to stay home with your kids? Make it happen. Anything is possible, it all depends on you.
  4. No monthly quota. You never have to worry about selling a certain amount each month. We don't have any strict rules like that BUT we do want you to be active in your business so your account will cancel if you go 12 months without having $200 in sales in a month. You get a whole year! 
  5. No inventory required. Everything can be purchased straight from your Scentsy Workstation or your Personal Website. No need to keep anything on hand! Items will ship directly to your customers if you choose, or for local customers you can ship to yourself and hand deliver! Events are not required and you can rock an event without having cash and carry products! You can have inventory if you choose! Just remember to track your income and expenses to make sure you aren't losing money.
  6. Parties are optional. I hear this one all the time: "I don't want to host parties! That's not my thing!" No worries. They're optional! You can actually have "parties" without having to host or entertain in any way! Give your customers their own links to have them share and keep a party open for you to place other orders under so you can also earn rewards! 
  7. Consultant exclusive perks. Consultants get early access to some products like our Scent & Warmer of the Month, limited time collections and catalog products. We usually even get them at a discount and sometimes can earn them for free as part of an incentive! We also get to "double dip" by having our own parties open on our websites for customers to shop and we earn rewards on top of our commissions when they do!
  8. Incentive Trips & Product Kits. I thought I would never earn a trip when I joined. I was just doing it for fun. But to my surprise I have earned multiple incentives including a family trip to Disney World, product kits, Apple gift cards, exclusive warmers and diffusers and much more. They can be earned at any level and are even easier to earn when you are NEW!
  9. Family you get to choose. I have found a true family within Scentsy. I have met so many wonderful people along the way and there is nothing quite like the empowerment from other consultants around the globe and the feeling you get when you hear your name announced at conventions. It truly is a thrill!
  10. Our core values. Scentsy is built on some of the best core values. Simplicity, authenticity and generosity. It's something worth experiencing.
  11. Have me as your mentor! I will guide you along the way and help you determine the first steps toward your goal and share with you ways you can execute them. You are not alone in this! There are also MANY training resources available and many leaders who share their best tips and ideas. The opportunities are endless!

How much money can you make?

I'm sure you have heard this line before: You get out what you put in. It really is true, and you can make as much money as you want. Your income is never capped with Scentsy. It's like getting a gym membership. Getting the membership won't make you fit, but showing up and putting in the work WILL. 
Some people are visual learners and some are not, so for those of you who are not and need more of a breakdown on this table, here's a way to simply put it:
When you first join, you will make 20% back on all purchases. Once you sell your first $1000, you will make 25% for life, meaning if you leave and come back you will continue making that 25%. Every month, you have the opportunity to make 30% by selling $2000 or more in a month. It may sound like a lot, but don't let the number scare you! I thought I would never and I reached a point I was doing this consistently. If I can, you can! 
As you promote to lead and above, you will earn a bonus on your personal sales. The bonus amount varies and is based on your rank. You can earn up to an extra 9%! You will also earn a bonus on every Frontline consultant (someone who joins directly under you) Team Wholesale Volume.

When I joined Scentsy, I promoted to Certified in my first month, and by my 6th month I had earned a third promotion to Star Consultant. In just over a year I promoted two more times to the top 2% of the company! I only joined for fun, remember that? Who knew this is where I would be? When you love what you do, you're more likely to find success. 

Why Scentsy?

Scentsy has earned many awards in the Direct Sales Association and in Forbes magazine for being a top company in many different categories. Recently, we earned a Product Innovation Award for our Air Purifier, making 14 years in a row that we have been recognized in the Direct Sales Association... and our company is only 18 years old. 
We are the ORIGINAL wax melts and electric wax warmer company! Wax melts are extremely popular around the globe and it all started in a storage trailer making wax in crockpots in 2004. We sure have come a very long way and we are now a billion dollar company connecting people through fragrance worldwide. Scentsy has been recognized by CEOWORLD Magazine, Direct Selling News, Idaho Private 100, the DSA Ethos awards and many others. We operate in 12 countries with 300,000 consultants around the world and Scentsy employs over 1800 people. Our Charitable Cause program has made it possible for us to donate more than $15.5 million to over 175 global and local charities. 

Meet Your Sponsor

I already briefly shared my story above, so I wanted to tell you a little more about me, my family and my journey. I am a girl mama and a happy wife who has a huge heart for animals of all kinds. I thrive on fancy cups of coffee and need to be surrounded by houseplants to boost my serotonin levels. I am rather shy and my baby face will always have people guessing on my age! 
I grew up in a little beach town in Florida: New Smyrna Beach, aka the shark bite capital of the world... and yes, I surfed with the sharks without fear! I attended college in Daytona Beach and planned to become a photographer. Plans changed as time went on, though photography is still my passion and who  knows? Maybe one day I will decided to start up a business, but for now I am enjoying it as a hobby! 
I met my husband, Nick, while he was in Florida for college. I didn't really like him at first but he was persistent and somehow managed to win me over with his charm and wit and convinced me to leave my little hometown filled with southern charm and hospitality and move all the way to the upper midwest where the air is so cold most of the year you can't even feel your face. I didn't even think -60 degrees was possible! Shortly after, we got married and we had our wedding in Florida surrounded by our loved ones and it was the most magical day of our lives! 
We welcomed a beautiful little girl, Stella Grace into the world 18 months later and found a whole new meaning of life. She is actually the reason I decided to consider joining Scentsy! My very first Scentsy purchase was the Stella the Unicorn Warmer. It was released right after we found out we were having a girl and chose her name. When I heard the name of the warmer, I knew I needed it! When Stella was a few months old, I glanced over at the warmer and began to wonder what it would be like if I had joined. As a nursing mama, I spent a lot of my time scrolling social media while I nursed and seeing the same posts over and over and I needed something else to do. I decided to contact my Scentsy Consultant who was also my best friend's step mom and that is where my story began. I can't imagine what life would be like today if I didn't click that join button. Scentsy has done so much for me and my family!
Right away, I was doing well, making sales, growing a team (which I thought I would NEVER do) and promoting. My biggest accomplishment with Scentsy was making my dad proud. My dad was an esophageal cancer survivor. During his battle, I had a newborn and I was 1500 miles away. It was hard to be so far but he kept me updated on everything and in a few short months, he had surgery and was cancer free! At his one year check up though, I was heading toward a promotion to Director. Something I thought would never happen but was somehow happening! Right before the month's end, right before I earned that promotion, I got a call that brought me to my knees. My dad went for his one year checkup and while his esophageal cancer had not returned, he had developed bone cancer. There is no  cure, so I knew at that moment I was going to lose my dad, but had no idea when. I had a whole new purpose to work my business. I was busting my butt to make sure I could get down to see my dad and make the best of the rest of his life. My Scentsy family managed to surprise me by paying the costs of us traveling to see my dad, even though I had earned the extra money on my own. My family and I went to visit my dad and surprised him. Seeing the look on his face when I walked in will be a memory that brings me to tears every single time. I was his only girl, his little girl, and he treasured every single moment with me. During our visit, my dad told me that he could tell I found something I really love and something I am really good at. He said he was so proud of me for everything I had achieved and told me to never give up on it. So when people ask me why I do this, my dad is my why. My dad was great at knowing when something was right for me, even when I couldn't see it. When he met my husband, we were just friends and he said "You're going to marry that boy one day" to which I replied "Ew, absolutely not." and here we are! 
Sadly, two weeks after our visit, my dad passed away. I knew after my visit it wouldn't be long and being able to see my dad really put me at peace and made it easier to say goodbye, so I am grateful every day for those last moments with him but he deserved so much more. I may not ever get those moments back, but I know that every single day I am out here working my business, he is watching over me and he is PROUD. 

I did mention some things about income so I am required to leave this Income Disclosure Statement here. Results are not typical, but neither are you! Anything is possible!


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