About Me

Hello there! Welcome aboard the hot mess express! Okay, just kidding. Life can be hectic sometimes BUT I stay pretty managed most of the time! If you're here, you're probably trying to get to know me a little better, so let's get onto it!

Most importantly, my name is Leanne! I am also known as The Scented Mermaid! I am a Scentsy Director for team Melticulous Mermaids & Mermen just slinging wax and changing lives day by day! It's probably no surprise that I am mermaid obsessed. 

I was born in Quincy, Massachusetts, AKA the birthplace of Dunkin Donuts - my obession! When I was 5, my family packed up and moved to New Smyrna Beach, Florida, where I grew up. New Smyrna Beach is known as Shark Bite Capital of the World. Totally awesome, right?! Okay, for some it's probably scary but I am nature obsessed, even when it comes to the creatures that could possibly harm me one day! I grew up surfing, riding dirt bikes, skateboarding and picking out the color for my next cast... because I'm totally accident prone. Whoops! I have 8 siblings but spent most of my life with two brothers and my dad. A whole house full of boys. So maybe it isn't totally surprising to know I am an adrenaline junkie! 

I met my husband in Florida while he was attending college at Wyotech to become a motorcycle technician. I gotta be honest, when I first met him, he was not my cup of tea... in fact, I quickly got annoyed and told him to "go away". I wasn't nice about it, but it wasn't intentional! A couple weeks later, I realized I kinda missed his company so I invited him to hang out. Because his family was back in Minnesota, I invited him to Thanksgiving dinner with my family. My dad was a huge fan of motorcycles and all things mechanical, so they hit it off pretty well! There was a moment where Nick was in the garage with my dad and my dad came inside to grab something and on his way back out to the garage, he leaned over and whispered to me "You're going to marry that boy one day."
I looked at my dad in shock and started laughing. Yeah, right! This annoying guy? Noooo way. But somehow, April the following year (yeah, 5 months later) we made it official. 

In October 2014, Nick and I decided to move to Minnesota to be close to his family. I was sick of Florida's weather and needed a change. I had no idea how brutal the winter months in Minnesota would be. I might be a little crazy! In January 2016, Nick asked me to marry  him. I said yes, but immediately after, I said "you did ask my dad's permission, right?". Of course he did, he knows better! We got married April 8, 2017 and in a few months we decided we wanted to start a family.

We never thought we would struggle for months, but it took a lot longer than we expected to get that positive result! But when we finally did, it brought us SO much joy! We found out we were expecting in January 2018 with a due date of October 7, 2018. However, our little miss Stella Grace couldn't wait quite that long so she made her debut on September 27, 2018 which also happens to be my dad and stepmom's wedding anniversary! How cool is that?!

Two weeks after I received a phone call that nobody ever wants. It was my dad. He was calling to inform me that he was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer. I felt the world crash around me as I sat in shock, unable to find any words to say. My dad would be battling cancer, 1500 miles away, without me. This was supposed to be a happy part of my life, I just started a beautiful family! A couple days later, my dad gave me more information after his checkup at the clinic. He was starting chemo and everything seemed very promising. It put my mind at ease and I kept in contact with him as often as I could. 

In February 2019, I decided I wanted to do something to keep me busy while I was glued to a chair nursing my daughter. I looked across the room and saw my Scentsy warmer so I reached out to my friend's stepmom who is a Scentsy Consultant. I told her I was thinking about joining for fun and she shared all the information I needed and I was SOLD. YESS sign me up! February 2, 2019 was my very first day as a Scentsy Consultant and will forever be the day I made the life changing decision that I had no idea this would turn into.

In March 2019, my dad was scheduled to have surgery to remove the rest of the cancer. If the surgery was successful, he would be cancer free. I was at work waiting and waiting for that phone call when the surgery was over. On my lunch break, my stepmom called me. I answered the phone and held my breath, waiting for my stepmom to finish telling me all about the surgery, and then I heard the words "They got it, they removed all the cancer. Your dad is cancer free. Your dad kicked cancer's ass." Finally, I didn't have to worry anymore, my dad was a warrior and he just beat cancer!

Life started to seem more normal. My dad had lost a lot of weight, but he was cancer free. The most important thing of all. I started really thinking about life and I realized how much time I spent at work, away from my daughter, and other people were practically raising her. The only time I was able to spend with her was the time I was getting her fed and ready to go in the morning and getting her fed and ready for bed at night. That was not the life I wanted for my family. I want to raise my daughter. I want to be the one to teach her everything. 

I decided to kick up my business a notch and in April 2020, I became a Scentsy Director, AKA the top 2% of the company! I never expected to come this far, I just wanted something to keep myself busy. Who knew? Since promoting to Director, I've realized that it IS possible to turn this into a full time job and that's my goal! But even though April 2020 was the month I accomplished something I never thought was possible, it was also the month that changed my life for the worst...

I received another phone call. One that would change my life in so many ways. It was my dad. The cancer is back, this time in his bones. My dad who was just cancer free, who JUST BEAT CANCER, is now fighting again. I stood in disbelief. I was angry. I was hurt. I was sad. I was scared. How? How could my dad have to go through this twice? Focus... focus. I have to stay positive. My dad promised to keep me informed and he started chemo again shortly after.

I sent my dad a huge care package to keep him busy and focused on the good things in life. I didn't want my dad to miss out on anything just because he has cancer. He loved it! I expected something similar to his previous fight with cancer, or at least a good long fight. But in July 2020, my brother contacted me. My brother & I are close, but he isn't a social person so I knew it wasn't looking good. My dad wasn't doing well and my brother wanted me to know exactly what was going on. I'll spare the details, but I knew I needed to go see my dad as soon as I could. Two weeks later, we packed our things and drove to Florida. We didn't tell him we were coming.

My dad is the type who would tell me not to come because he doesn't want me to see him sick. He only ever wanted me to see him for who he was before cancer. Happy, healthy and always on the go. So we surprised him. The look on his face when I walked in was the same look he gave me on my wedding day when he saw me all dolled up for the first time. Only he didn't look the same. My 53 year old dad now looked like he was 80. He weighed 94lbs. It was harder on me than I expected but I knew I needed to be there. He got to bond with Stella and she even chose to call him Papa. A moment that I will never forget. My dad told me while I was there, not to worry. He told my brother & I that his job was done because he raised us to be exactly who he wanted us to be and that he was so proud of us. That was exactly what we needed to hear.

I had one week there with my dad. It was not long enough, but I will never regret making that trip. Barely two weeks later, I got the call. The call I knew I would get, but didn't expect to get this soon. My dad had passed away. This is all so new to me as I am writing this and because I have not been back to Florida yet to see my family, I don't think I have fully accepted it. However, I will be there next week and even though I know it will be hard, it is something I need to do. Family is so important and you never know just how much time you have left with them. Never take your family for granted.

One thing my dad told me before I left is that he saw what Scentsy has done for me and all I have accomplished and he knows I am passionate about this. He told me to never stop doing what I do because he knows I love doing it and he knows I would give anything to be home with my family. I never did this for the money, and even though I am now working toward staying home, it's still not about the money for me. It's about my dad. I am doing this for my dad and I love what I do!

As you can see, I am a completely open book! I have nothing to hide and I want to be open because I know people out there are going through something similar or maybe something completely different but just as difficult. Maybe I can or can't relate to you in some way, but know that strangers are not my thing. I am who I am and I accept everyone for who they are. I hope you read this and feel that way about me. Always stay humble & kind, friends.



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