Join Scentsy for $22 in September!

 Join Scentsy for $22 in September!

This month, you can join Scentsy for just $22! You'll get everything in the photo above & the warmer alone is $30! Join for the discount, join for fun or join to make an income. This deal is a September only deal, and there are a limited number of kits so this deal could end early. Scentsy has never had a deal this good to join, so take it while it's available!

I joined Scentsy back in February of 2019. I was a new mom and felt tied to a chair all day while I nursed and pumped and snuggled my baby while she napped. I needed something to do other than scrolling social media. I didn't do it for the money and didn't have very big expectations when I joined. However, I quickly fell in love with the company and had so much fun doing it. I knew that even if I wasn't making much, I could do this for fun anytime to keep me occupied. I never expected that things would take off so quickly. I joined with a $99 kit and more than doubled that amount in my first month with the company and just kept moving up! Within a year I had reached Director status. I never thought I could coach anyone or lead them to success, let alone lead an entire team but here I am and I love every minute of it!

You don't need to have a team, hold any stock or invest any money other than your starter kit (which you CAN earn for free). Everything else is optional. There is no monthly quota, you just need to sell $200 in one month out of 12. Whatever your goal is, I can help you reach it!

Top Reasons To Join

  1. Endless opportunity. Make this as big or small as you want! Whether you're looking for a little extra cash to treat yourself once in a while or you're looking to bring home a good paycheck, the opportunity is there.
  2. Work on your own schedule. You can set aside certain hours in a day to dedicate to your business or work a little here and there. No one will tell you how or when to work. You do you!
  3. Community. There is no community like the Scentsy community. You will find people along the way who will become your family. There are so many of us out there trying to support and uplift everyone around us. Scentsy spirit is life changing.
  4. Travel for free. Scentsy offers so many incentives to earn trips for you and your family! I earned a family trip to Disney! Anyone can earn this trips no matter their title. There are also some product based incentives to earn too!
  5. Disney & Warner Bros partnerships! We are always releasing something new and sometimes even nostalgic! We have had products from Scooby Doo, Hocus Pocus, Lilo & Stitch, Looney Tunes and so much more. We even have NFL & NHL partnerships for your favorite sports teams!
  6. Early access to new releases. For some products we are able to order them early to share with our customers! We get a first look at the products so we can give an honest review. 
  7. Double dippin'. Not only do we make commission on all purchases, we can also earn free and half priced products by placing orders under a party! We get the host rewards AND the commission! 
  8. FRAGRANCE. I mean, duh... we are a fragrance company! Scentsy offers amazing fragrance without all the toxins. Our wax is melted at a temperature slightly above body temp so it never burns. This means no toxic chemicals are released into the air, only fragrance. 
  9. Personal development. I was someone who struggled with so many things mentally, one major one being self doubt. I had never believed in myself and had an "I can't" mentality. Seeing what I have achieved in this company has completely changed my perspective of myself and has given me the confidence to get out into the world and share my story.
  10. Training. You can find training on any topic, any time! So many amazing Scentsy leaders share their top tips and ideas to help us all grow. You can find trainings on YouTube, through our consultant groups or even join live trainings. Scentsy also has trainings from home office you can attend. Everything is available at your finger tips!
I know this is a lot to share and think about, but if you have any questions feel free to add them in the comments or text me! 386-254-9302. I am happy to help! 

Since I mentioned some income, I am required by the FTC to add our income disclosure statement which you can see here.

If you're ready to do this, click the button to join!


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