What it’s like to be a Scentsy Consultant!

 So what is it like to be a Scentsy Consultant?

This is a question I get quite often so I thought it would be great to share my experience!

When I joined Scentsy, I didn’t really know what to expect. I wasn’t really looking to make money, I just wanted something to do and a discount on the products I loved so much. I only really knew about the warmers and wax because I wasn’t really obsessed or anything and I just let my consultant order for me or I picked some up at the local craft & vendor show. When I joined I was shocked to learn about the cleaning products, buddies, laundry and everything else Scentsy has to offer. 

I joined in February 2019 under my best friend’s stepmom. She’s practically my best friend, mother figure and sister all in one so I was excited to join the journey with her! However, she is also an RN, a single mom and she had been through a lot over the last year so she wasn’t as involved with Scentsy at the time. I’ve always been a self starter anyway, so I got right to it! The workstation Scentsy provides has so much helpful information and they send out an email when you join with a step by step guide to help you get started. My sponsor was always there if I had any questions but the answer to just about everything was easy to find on the workstation. I never expected to go far but in April 2020, I became a Scentsy Director, which is the top 2% of the company!

The first thing I did after joining, after getting my website all set up, is announcing that I became a consultant! Now, being very new to direct sales I had no idea how to go about this, but I posted something like the image above to announce it. If I were to go back, I would make my announcement more personal, maybe with a photo of myself or a live video to announce it because I’ve learned being authentic is the best way to drive your business forward. Take my advice and make your announcement personal, say why you joined Scentsy and what you hope to do with Scentsy. People love to help you reach your goals but they need to know what they are first! Give them a reason to want to help you out! I share my story often because I always have new followers and friends and they deserve to hear it too! Plus my “why” is forever changing. 

The next thing I did is set up my launch party! Cosnsultants earn more than just commission on our purchases and sales, but we also earn host rewards like our customers! You want to set up your launch party right away. You can host your launch party on Facebook, in person, with a basket of goodies, via text, or any other platform you can think of! I get the most interaction on Facebook groups and I love that I can schedule my posts to post throughout the day so I don’t have to watch the clock to know when to post. I also like going live in my parties to recap what I’ve shared and show my customers how the products work. I was so nervous to go live at first, but I promise it gains more interest! Be sure to share the direct link to each product your sharing and make sure it has the party ID at the end of the link so you earn credit! 

My starter kit only took a few days to arrive, and when it did, I showed it off! I showed my friends and family what I got for $99 and I shared it on my Facebook page! I did create a business page where I share most of my Scentsy posts. On my personal page I tend to use my stories for most of my Scentsy stuff because I find more people see it and interact when it’s in my stories. I post through Instagram and have them link to my Facebook stories. I only shared a photo of my starter kit, but if I were starting now, knowing what I know now, I definitely would have gone live to show it off! Like I said, it gets more interaction and my customers love my unboxing videos. I also want to mention it is never too early to grow your team! It’s actually very helpful and encouraging to have someone learning right along with you! Growing your team will help you promote in rank & the sooner the better! Please note starter kit contents will vary and the one pictured is a past kit! 

When you join Scentsy, you have the opportunity to earn so many awards and extras! The first is the Shooting Star Enhancement kit. Sell 500 PRV ($500) in your first 15 days, and you’ll gain access to the kit listed above at a very discounted rate! You’ll also earn a charm bracelet with a Shooting Star charm and a certificate of achievement. Not everyone earns this award and honestly, I was one who didn’t. I waited to receive my starter kit to really get to work, so take my advice and don’t wait! Get started right away! I learned from that mistake and I teach all of my team members to start as soon as possible. Most of my team members have earned Shooting Star because of this! Purchasing the Shooting Star Enhancement Kit is totally optional, but you do receive commission back on it as well and it’s a tax write off as a business expense! 

The next big award you can earn when you join Scentsy is Scentsational Start! There are 3 different levels you can earn with this. See the chart above to learn how to earn each level and what you get from it when you earn it! I personally earned level 1, but many of my team members have earned level 2 and one had earned level 3! This is meant to be challenging so don’t feel discouraged if you don’t earn it! Just know if you are willing to do the work and truly want to earn it, it’s totally possible! And if you choose me as your sponsor, I will help you reach that goal! 

If you earn level 2 or 3, you earn this warmer for free! This warmer is made exclusively for those who reach Scentsational Start level 2 or 3 and is not for sale! 

The monthly sales award is one of my favorites and one I push for every single month! To truly maximize your Scentsy paycheck, push to sell $2000 in product every month and earn 30% commission for that entire month. That’s a minimum of a $600 paycheck! Now if you have a team and you are Lead Consultant or above, you’ll also earn a bonus on their Team Wholesale Volume (75% of their entire team’s sales) to really increase that paycheck! 

I absolutely love adding charms to my bracelet. This was two months ago and I’ve earned more charms but ran out of room for them! The top right one is for earning the monthly sales award and the bottom two are for sponsoring someone who earned Shooting Star! You also get spacer beads with some of your charms! You also earn $25 product credit for everyone you sponsor who earns Shooting Star!

I know commissions are very important to most people when joining a business! So the chart for compensation is listed above! I never joined for the money but as I got more and more involved and started promoting, I saw my potential and I started realizing that someone else is raising my daughter while I’m at work and I only get the weekends and dinner and bed time during the week. I want to be the one raising her so now my goal is to stay home! I actually make as much with Scentsy as I do at my full time job, but I want to be more than comfortable and build a bigger savings before I leave my job and stay home! It does take hard work to get where I am! View our Income Disclosure Statement here

So what exactly do I do on a daily basis?

 I actually use a planner and I do something different, but I am always sharing on social media! Every month I use a calendar like the one pictured below and I share it with my team and encourage them to do the same. 

Following ta calendar like this helps me on days I’m feeling drained or blank. It happens. I might feel like I’ve shared everything or done everything or just don’t know what to do next so having a calendar like this keeps me in check! Throwing in those challenge days really help drive sales as well. Everything I do is an income producing activity. 

I might spend my day making samples for my customer’s happy mail or following up with customers, but everything I do has a purpose! I share how I’m using Scentsy in my daily life (usually in my Instagram stories) as well as the things that aren’t related to Scentsy because people like to purchase from people they know, like and trust! Give people a reason to choose you. There are consultants everywhere, but people will always have a reason to choose the consultant they choose. I also make sure to set time aside for my team ever day as well. I have a Facebook group for my team as well as a group chat so we can connect, build relationships and ask questions whenever we need to! My group is where I share my best tips, words of encouragement, updates and more! I check the Scentsy news tab daily so I know what to expect and I’m never caught off guard. It’s important to always be in the know! You want to have the answers before your customers ask! 

So what does a typical day look like for me?

Well, first and foremost, I have a basic structure I follow every day, but I focus on a different topic each day. I do work full time, so my days start the night before. I know I will be at work all day, so before I go to bed, I use the post scheduling feature on my Facebook business page, VIP group and any parties I have open to schedule my posts to post throughout the day while I’m at work. My focus may be our licensed products one day, warmers & wax the next and kids and pets another day. I just make sure I am sharing each topic and not just sharing the products, but WHY they’re so great! People want a product that solves a problem so I always make sure to add how it could solve their problems. I also schedule my posts for my team page so they have something from me every day while I’m at work. Sometimes it’s inspirational quotes, sometimes words of wisdom based on my experience, sometimes ways to drive sales, sometimes ways to build a team, but no matter what there is always something! Then I go to sleep! 

In the morning, I’m rushing around to get myself and  my toddler ready for the day, which honestly takes so much longer than it should. I grab breakfast on my way out the door and don’t usually look at my phone until my first break at work. Then I find myself responding to comments and messages on social media. On my lunch break, I follow up with my customers. I use an app called AMI that automatically syncs with my workstation to remind me who to follow up with and when so I can keep organized and not forget anything! It’s truly an amazing tool to have! It even keeps track of my goals, samples I’ve sent out and more. If I have time left over I will add to my Instagram stories, sometimes I talk about products in my car or just share how my day is going. 

After work, I cook dinner, put my toddler to bed, try to get a workout in and then I will sit down to make samples, get thank you cards ready for my customers & package up happy mail. If I have customer orders that got delivered, I’ll get those ready instead. Customer orders will ship directly to their home when they order online, but for local customers I will add their orders to mine to save on shipping and that’s when I get to package those up nice and pretty! I also occasionally run mystery bags and pack them up with goodies using host rewards to grab extras. I share how to make these work on my team page when I do them! Once I’m done with everything, I clean up, wash my face and go to bed but before I close my eyes, I get the next day’s posts scheduled! 

As you can see, my schedule is very hectic BUT I am still successful and if I can do this, so can you! 

But how do I get customers?

This is a question I get alllll the time. Even from my team members. I ask all my customers to share their Scentsy and tag me! I add stickers to their happy mail that say snap & share with my Instagram handle. I also have a referral program where I send goodies to everyone who refers someone to me. What I send changes each month but I make sure my customer’s know how much their referral means to me! Another great way to gain customers is by hosting parties. When you host your launch party, encourage your friends to invite their friends to the party and encourage people who join your party to host their own party to earn their own goodies for free and half priced. They’ll invite their friends and that gives you a bigger network. I also follow people I share interests with on social media and build a genuine relationship. I build relationships with people I actually want to get to know and I don’t try to turn them into a customer. I feel like looking for customers is so draining and it turns people away. When you build real friendships, they will know what you do and they will decide if they need Scentsy in their lives! I never pitch a sale to someone you who hasn’t expressed interest before. I don’t cold message, ever. Scentsy’s core values are authenticity, generosity and simplicity and those three things will help you lead a successful business. 

Still have questions? Reach out! Information is always free. 

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