Top 11 reasons to become a Scentsy consultant!

 Ever thought about becoming a Scentsy consultant?

Taking a huge step, like investing money to become a business owner, is always intimidating. I was so scared to start my journey with Scentsy, but my only regret is that I didn't jump in sooner. I am so excited to share with you my top reasons to become a Scentsy Consultant! Whether you are just looking for something to keep you occupied, some extra money for self care, or you're ready to turn this into a steady stream of income, Scentsy can be so beneficial! Let's get into the good stuff!

None of my reasons are money. Shocking, right? Scentsy has so much more to offer than commissions! 

1. Work from home - work wherever, whenever, however you want! You don't even have to get out of bed! As a mom to a toddler, it crushes my soul every time I have to leave for work. She is in that phase where she cries and yells for me as we part ways for the day and it makes me so sad! I never joined Scentsy for the money, but as my daughter has grown, I have learned that my true calling is to be home taking care of her and her future siblings. Sharing Scentsy is so easy and on my busy days I can schedule my posts to social media before I go to bed so they automatically post throughout the day when I am unable to be present on social media! I have the opportunity to make work fun and allow my daughter to help with things and my followers LOVE seeing her so it's a win-win! Social media is an important part in MY business, but everyone has their niche! If social media isn't your thing, you can still be successful. Just find what works for you! 

2. Never miss out on family time - I've heard too many times parents having to miss their kid's school play or soccer game because of work. When you work on your own schedule, you'll never have to miss out again! If you're not already staying home, keep in mind just like any business you start, it will take time and dedication to get where you need to be financially, but when you have a goal and a plan, you can and will make it happen! I personally never wanted to be a stay at home mom, but the more I see my growth with Scentsy, the more I see the opportunity and think it just may be exactly what I want! I have been with Scentsy since February 2019, making this one year and eight months with the company and I am so close to being where I want to be and "retiring" before age 30! The truth is, when you love what you do, you'll never truly work another day in your life!

3. Your house will always smell good - If you're already a very avid Scentsy user, you have probably already achieved this, but as a consultant you have so much opportunity to earn your favorite products for free and half priced, as well as earn product credit for achieving certain goals and helping your team reach their goals as well. So of course, when you get all the goodies for free, your house will certainly smell fabulous! Plus, as a consultant, we are able to get some products before the public, like our Scent and Warmer of the Month AND we get a discount on it and can use it as a tax write off as business supplies! One of my favorite things as a consultant is hearing my friends and family tell me my house smells so good when they come over. Oh, and fooling my husband into thinking I baked cookies or pie when he comes home... oops!

4. Be yourself - You don't have to worry about getting dressed up in those uncomfortable dress pants and hot blazer for work. You can be as casual or as fancy as you please! You like pajamas? So do I! You like leggings? Rock em! You like jeans and a t-shirt? You do you. Come as you are. That's the greatest gift of all. You are unique and you deserve to show it in your own way! No need to try to fit in or follow any form of dress code. Besides, one of our biggest core values is AUTHENTICITY. 

5. It's a family affair - Get your family and friends involved! My husband loves helping me sort through testers and label my orders before sending them off to their new homes. And my two year old? She loves to get a good sniff and tell you if it's good or bad (so far we've only gotten good!), loves to help me change the wax in my warmers and loves helping me make samples! Having my family help out and enjoy doing it makes it feel less like work and more like a fun crafting project! I mean, that's basically what it is after all! But being able to include family in the things we need to get done is so much more enjoyable than staying late at the office to get things done by yourself. Am I right?

6. Give back - Each catalog season, Scentsy chooses an organization to support and designs a beautiful warmer (sometimes a Scentsy Buddy or other product too!) to support a good cause. This catalog season, we are supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. with this beautiful Hope, Strength, Love warmer. For each of these warmers sold, Scentsy will donate $9.50 to the organization. Scentsy raises millions of dollars through these charitable cause products each year! What an amazing thing to be a part of! Plus, when you sell $50 worth of any charitable cause products in ayear, Scentsy will award you with a special ribbon to wear during our annual Scentsy Family Reunion to show your hard work and dedication to supporting a good cause!

7. Scentsy Spirit! - There is nothing quite like the magic of Scentsy Spirit. Scentsy is one big family and the Scentsy Spirit is always overflowing. There are so many successful leaders out there providing all their best tips and ideas to help us all be successful. But if you want to REALLY feel the magic and truly be inspired, you just HAVE to attend one of our events! The confetti sparkling as it surrounds you, the Scentsy Spirit cheers, the screams of excitement, it just really is something you need to experience! This year, I thought the excitement would be lacking when our Scentsy Family Reunion had to go virtual due to the pandemic, but it was definitely not lacking at all! There was still so much excitement and so much to be excited for, it was just as if we were all in the same room together CONFETTI INCLUDED! Yes, they even sent us a pack of confetti to throw at home so we still felt the Scentsy Spirit! They were even mindful enough to send easy to clean confetti!

8. It's Magic - No, really. It's magic all around with our licensed collections with Disney! Our Disney partnership has brought us so much joy and brought our favorite characters to life over the years! From Mickey & Minnie, to Tinkerbell, to our Pixar friends from Monsters, Inc. Scentsy really knocked it out of the park with these and we are not done yet! There is so much more to come! We even have released products based off our favorite Marvel characters, Star Wars friends and sports teams! I can't wait to see what comes next! Consultants are the first to see it! 

9. Travel opportunity - Growing up, I never got to travel. My family did not have much money and even though I lived 30 minutes from Disney World, I had only gone once on a trip with my summer day camp. That was really as far as I got to travel! Now, I live in Minnesota and I rarely have had the chance to travel back home to Florida, but in the past year, I have been able to visit 3 times. While none of these were trips earned by Scentsy, it's because of Scentsy that I could afford to. And now, during our current trip incentive, I have been able to earn a trip to Disney! A trip I am so excited for because I missed out on Disney so much as a kid, but also because it means I get to go home and see my family again next summer. The current incentive closes at the end of the year, so there is still plenty of time to earn this trip! This will be the first I have earned so far with Scentsy and I can't wait!

10. Hugs, High Fives and Backup Dancers - As a consultant, you're in control of your business but that doesn't mean you're completely solo! Your fellow consultants and home office will always have your back! You will find an endless supply of support, encouragement and love within the Scentsy family. We have pages dedicated to having our top leaders share their success, ideas, stories and encouragement with us all the time and with me as your sponsor you can count on me providing all the help you need to achieve your goals! You will also find in the training tab on the workstation every Thursday an all consultant training opportunity set up by home office at 9am PT! You will never be alone!

11. Self Confidence - This was my biggest struggle my whole life until now! I never used to believe in myself, think I was good enough or feel like I could get on camera and show my face in a video, but Scentsy has empowered me and taught me to grab life by the horns and just GO FOR IT! I have blown my own mind time and time again with Scentsy and it just keeps getting better. All the things I thought I couldn't do, I did. Now, all the things I know I can do, I will. My perspective on life has completely changed and Scentsy is 95% to blame for that! The other 5% is me. I am responsible for my own mindset, I just needed to be guided in the right direction. I have no shame getting on camera and showing my favorite Scentsy products, I no longer spend hours in front of the mirror trying to find an outfit I like only to find nothing and I no longer discourage myself by believing I can't do hard things. I am a better me, because of Scentsy and that is the most valuable gift I've received in my time with Scentsy.

Ready to start your own journey with Scentsy?

Still have questions? Ask me in the comments below or send me an email at


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