Just joined Scentsy? Here's how to kick off your new business right!

Kicking off your Scentsy Business Right!

So you just signed up as an Independent Scentsy Consultant, now what?


Congratulations on becoming an Independent Scentsy Consultant! I hope this blog post can help you kick off your Scentsy business right! Not a consultant yet? Click the image above to join!

The very first step after setting up your Scentsy Consultant account is to host your launch event! I will tell you all about launch events in a minute! Do not wait for your starter kit to arrive! It will take about a week to show up, but you'll want to get started right away because Scentsy offers incentives for hitting goals in your first 15 & 70 days! Starting before your kit arrives will help you earn those incentives!

The first sales goal with Scentsy is $200 (aka 200 PRV, 1 PRV = $1). This is what is needed to become an active consultant. You must be active 1 month out of every 4 to remain a consultant. The next goal is 500 PRV in your first 15 days. This earns you the Shooting Star Award, your first official award with Scentsy and you will receive a charm bracelet and a charm to go with it! Or a lapel pin if you choose. You will also be able to purchase a highly discounted product kit! Next, is Scentsational Start. There are 3 levels of Scentsational Start you can earn. See the graphic below to learn how to earn each level and what the rewards are for reaching each level! 

Please note that none of these are required, just rewards for reaching levels that many consultants do not earn! I personally did not earn Shooting Star, but I did earn Scentsational Start Level 1. There is nothing wrong with not earning these! The only requirement is that you sell 200 PRV 1 month out of every 4.

If you earn Scentsational Start Level 2 or 3, you will earn the warmer below! An exclusive warmer made only for consultants who achieve this!

So, let's talk about what you need to do when you start! You don't want to overwhelm yourself so set a task for each day. This should help you get your business off on the right foot in your first 15 days! 

It's your first day as a consultant, so now what?

CREATE YOUR FACEBOOK VIP GROUP! Your VIP group is a place you can share all things Scentsy with your fellow Scentsy addicts! But first, it's going to be your launch party! I recommend groups over events because you can schedule posts and I never get notifications for comments when I do events. Plus, your event can't turn into your VIP group! To set up your group, follow the steps below on Facebook:

Step 1- Menu
Step 2- groups
Step 3- create new group
Step 4- complete the necessary fields. I recommend PRIVATE and VISIBLE. You don't want  everyone to see what you post, but you want people to be able to find your group.

Make sure if you use Scentsy in your group's name, it is only used as "Independent Scentsy Consultant", but I recommend branding yourself and personalizing it to you! My VIP group is "The Scented Mermaid VIPs", but if I were to say "The Scented Mermaid Scentsy VIPs" it would be out of compliance. Be sure to read the Scentsy Standards when you start so you know how to stay compliant!

Add a cover photo! I have added a few below, but you can find many on Pinterest as well!

2nd- Make a post sharing your excitement on your personal page asking who would like to be invited! You never know who needs some Scentsy!

Example- TAKE A SELFIE with any scentsy item you have! Don’t have any? Take a selfie anyways!!

“GUYS! I am so excited! I’ve decided to become a Scentsy consultant! I love their products and I want to share it with you guys!

Want invited to my Grand opening? Comment below! Ill add you!”

MAKE IT YOU! Share your excitement and tell people WHY you’ve joined Scentsy!! You can copy what I've added but making it more personal to you will help others see your authenticity and be more interested in joining your launch event! 

3rd- Send a private message, text or call your closest friends and family members! One on one conversation is so much better, but be sure you're not cold messaging people you don't normally talk to. 

Example- “hey Mary! I just signed up as a Scentsy Consultant and I can't wait to share everything with my friends and family! I am hosting a launch event! Mind if I add you?”

4th- Create your party link! Here you’ll get a special link for people to shop so that you get rewards! Click the link below for a step by step tutorial.


5th- Post the link you created on your VIP group and make another heart felt post with a selfie on your group welcoming people in! ❤️

Choose one of the photos below to use as your cover photo!

A common thing that I hear when people are thinking of signing up is that they don't know anyone who will buy. This is so far from true! You probably know a lot more people than you realize!

So how do you find out just how many people you know and may support your new business? You make a list of 100!  Go through your friends list/contacts on your phone and when you are writing someone's name down, think of ways Scentsy could bless THEIR life. Whether it's a certain product you know they'll love, getting them a discount with a party, or the best blessing of all- the business opportunity!

There is an acronym to use to help you think of people- F.R.A.N.K

Kids (friends parents, sports, fundraisers)

Don't get hung up on the verbiage! Keep it short and sweet. You could say "Hey Suzie! I just started my own Scentsy business & am looking for some help getting started. Would you be interested in earning some free products?" That's it. People love free, especially when they are supporting a friend AND earning freebies.

Will you get told no? Yes.
Will you get ignored? Yes.
But will people say yes? Absolutely! You cannot be afraid of that "No" In fact you learn to love it, cause if you are hearing "no" that means you are planting seeds! No is not no forever, I promise. People who tell me no end up coming back later with a yes!

We are 3 days in and it's time to engage your audience! This is a good way to help you see who is new to Scentsy, who uses Scentsy sometimes and who is Scentsy OBSESSED! Be sure to take notes based on responses so you know who might be waiting for the new collection to drop or who may be interested in the business opportunity.

Post something like this: "How many warmers do you have in your home? Don't forget to count the ones you've packed away for the season!"

If you have a lot of warmers, be sure to let them know! Our customers need to see that one warmer is not enough for their whole home! And because our warmers are always on trend, they should see that they fit in with their home decor and can become staple pieces in their homes!

Here's an image you can use with your post!

Hopefully by now you have some orders coming in!
Make sure you are thanking everyone who places an order in your group and when you do, show what they purchased?

Why? Because it creates a sense of herd mentality. “Oh Jane got that? I want one”. Once they see someone is buying, they’ll also want to buy! Plus it helps your customers feel appreciated!

You can find thank you graphics on Pinterest as well! 

Talk about Scentsy every single day! Don't be salesy though, just share products and your excitement about the products. Use your stories to share how you're using the products, share yourself changing your wax, using the cleaning products, spraying Scentsy Fresh on all the things, etc. and try to use REAL images, not just flyers! You can find real images on Pinterest as well.

Today’s challenge - choose a product and feature it! Use real images or videos either in a post or your story. This challenge is NOT for your group but you should be sharing there as well! 

Scentsy is all about relationships. If you want to be successful, you have to make friends first. Don't just try to sell a product, get to know your customers and audience. Get personal! 

If you have never been in Network Marketing before, you may not know what algorithms are. You want to boost your algorithms to help your posts be seen and interacted with. How do you make that happen? Get likes, shares and comments! 

If I want a Scentsy post to be seen, I plan out what I could do before to potentially boost that future post!

For example, if I want to do a live feed showing off the Marvel Collection, I would ask on my wall, “Who’s your favorite superhero?” People love giving their opinions, so its bound to get tons of comments! Follow your question up with real photos of products from the Marvel Collection - because of your interactions from before, your post should show in more peoples newsfeeds and at the top!

You can apply this to any of our products, just ask a question that is indirectly related to the product. This can be done with specific scents, warmers, body products, everything!

KEEP TRACK of customers answers - I like to keep notes about my customers in the notes section in my phone OR even under their contact info. That way, if a product launches coordinating to their fave character? I’m on top of letting them know! It also helps to know their fave things so you can spoil them when you do happy mail.

Your mission today? Go interact & then make a Scentsy post afterwards (try to use real life images or go live with real life products)! Make it a priority to plan your posts this way from here on out!

We have so many fragrances to choose from, it can be overwhelming to some! Sharing pre-selected 6 packs of bars can help your customers choose the perfect bundle! Our wax bars are always buy 5 get 1 free using the 6 bar bundle under the specials tab on your website.

My favorite thing about themed 6 packs is it takes the guess work out of it! Your customers can make their decision to buy or not based on the theme of the bundle! Try a Pumpkin, Fall Scents, Best Sellers or Rainbow bundle! 

Today I challenge you to sell 7 of these PUMPKIN 6pks TODAY! And here's why:

1. You'll be ACTIVE!
2. Have $210 PRV- enough to submit your own "party".
3. Get $21 in Host Credit & 2 1/2 price Items (including the perpetual party reward)
4. Earn a MINUMUM of $42 commission
5. Set it motion future orders via follow up from these orders!

Save the rewards while you collect more orders to earn even more! 


PS: use real life images to promote this. I have added a couple below for you to use. You don't have to choose a pumpkin bundle to share, you can choose whatever theme you choose. Be authentic when sharing and if you have 6 bars on hand take a selfie with a stack of them! People are more likely to order when they see your face in the post. Be sure to reach out personally to promote the bundle as well!

Hopefully you have your starter kit by now! Your challenge today is to go LIVE on social media! Live videos get the most interaction. You will be nervous. That's ok! Kick fear to the curb and let's do this! If you don't have your kit yet, you can go live with one of the following:

your personal Scentsy stash! People are more likely to buy when they see how you personally use Scentsy in your life! If you're joining Scentsy, there's a good chance you have a few products already.

If you have a fragrance flower handy, go live & show how the edges can be colored with a sharpie (to do this, just color the flower on the edges of the petals before putting it into the oil. The oil will pull the sharpie throughout the petals over time)

- You obviously had a reason for joining Scentsy! Go live and share WHY you joined and share your experience so far! Don't forget to mention you'd love to share the opportunity with someone else!

- If you just got an order in, go live while you open the box! My customers LOVE to see what's in my order! 

Going live can be intimidating. That's ok! Just go for it and be yourself. You will be nervous the first time, it's totally normal. Just go for it! It does get easier over time, but I am a 2 year seasoned consultant and still get nervous. Again, it's normal.

Even people who have been using Scentsy for years may not know we have a whole line of cleaning products that smell great! Using BEFORE & AFTER images (check Pinterest) is a great way to get attention, and will help make your customers think “I wanna try that!” 

Post something similar to the post below but be sure to make it personalized to YOU. Be authentic! People love to see how well a product works before buying. In this case, they already know it smells great so when they see it in action they'll definitely want it!

"Did you know that Scentsy has a whole line of cleaning products in some of our favorite scents?? Unlike your typical cleaners, Scentsy’s are free of phosphates, dyes, ammonia, DEA, sulfates, formaldehyde, chlorine and bleach, and work to remove dirt grease and grime while creating a yuck-repelling barrier that makes cleaning EASIER over time. Who doesn’t love an easier clean-routine?!

Check out our Bathroom Cleaner, Counter Clean, All-Purpose Cleaner Concentrate (hellooooo... makes six 16oz bottles!), Dish Soap and full line of Laundry offerings to make your chores smell amazing!"

Link them to this video and be sure to share your before and after photos!

"Sales are your income for today, BOOKINGS are your income for tomorrow and Sponsoring is your income forever". -Mary Christensen. This means you should always be looking for hosts! Your hosts can choose an online party, basket party, home party or text party! Here are a few ideas to help you get those parties in the books!
- ASK EVERYONE..... Remember that list of 100 you made? Use it! Be sure to ask if your friends and family know someone who would be interested as well!

- Online BINGO..... Rachele Pence made this so easy for all of us!!! Go watch her video on BINGO parties! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGnla4FRQos
- Booking Bands… wear 10 bracelets on one wrist! Your goal is to move each bracelet/band to the other wrist or take them off. The important part is that you move them from where they are to show you have booked 10 parties! If you ask 10 people per day, you are likely to get at least one yes!

- Deal or no deal game…… a booking game you can play either in a virtual party or at a home party, once we can do those again!

- Booking Necklaces! At a party, make some scent circle necklaces! Tell your guests that they can have a necklace if they book a party! I often have the hostess wear the 3 necklaces and if she gets rid of all 3, she gets a special prize! I use the perpetual reward to get the hostess' prize half off or give a prize from my stock. You can also get creative with online parties….. just remember not to post a personal special on a public forum like Facebook

These are just a few ideas! Google BOOKING ideas or check Pinterest!

If you owned a bakery, you would have to take the time to learn, read, practice & taste test everything to become an expert, right? The same is true for your Scentsy business! You want to become the fragrance expert so you can be the best consultant possible for your customers!
Now it's your turn to learn & become the best expert possible! This means you need to familiarize yourself with our catalog!
Watch the Catalog Walk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0DR6cxcLXE

Make sure while you are training you have these on hand:
  • a catalog
  • a pen and marker
  • flags or post it notes
  • and a printer
There are several documents that are recommended to print and keep with your new master catalog. You will find these in your workstation and on your PWS (personal website):
  • fragrance guide
  • product training guide
  • FAQs
  • host exclusive kit contents
  • current list of available LTOs (limited time offerings)
  • current list of available buddies
  • current available collections
  • current available promotions

Knowing your catalog and your products is essential to running a successful Scentsy business. Your customers shouldn't have to wait while you find an answer when you are a seasoned consultant. A new consultant will certainly take some time to learn so that's totally okay! But make it a priority to familiarize yourself with the products and the catalog!
Pro Tip: Follow other Scentsy Consultants on YouTube and watch their training videos! Even two years in, I find myself learning something new all the time!

Taking advantage of our Bundle and Saves is KEY to raising your sales! Who doesn't love a good deal? This is a great way you can boost your sales and get your customers more for their many and they will appreciate that!
If someone tells you they'd like to order 3 bars, make sure you tell them they are buy 5 get 1 free! If someone is buying two warmers and 3 bars, tell them you can bundle it with 6 bars! Be sure to familiarize yourself with the bundles and what each bundle costs. The bundles can be found on your personal website under the specials tab and in your catalog.
Who doesn't like to feel like they are getting the best deal when making a purchase?
I'm challenging you to upsell to a customer today!

Let's talk personal specials! We have the Scentsy specials every day like Buy 5 get 1 free bars, 2 mini warmers and 6 bars for $66 and so on.
When a customer can't afford something they're interested in, you can offer a hostess special! Offer an incentive for joining, like a free bar when their party qualifies or a free mini warmer (using the perpetual reward to get it half off and you cover the $10 for your host). It's up to you! It does not need to come out of pocket though!

There are many different ways you can offer personal specials and one of my favorites is mystery bags. Your customers pay a specified amount and when you have all bags claimed, you enter them into your workstation and use host rewards to get the extras! Feel free to reach out if you need a breakdown with prices and how to enter them into the workstation!

When I offer personal specials I either pay half price or use my own party rewards to get the products for free. I never come out of pocket more than $10 for anything! Be sure to budget your spending. If you're spending more than you are making, you need to reevaluate your spending! Never spend family money on Scentsy, spend Scentsy money on family!

Be sure that anything NOT offered on your personal website is communicated in private only! Refer to your Scentsy Standards if you have questions about compliance or reach out to your sponsor!

It's NEVER too early to add your first team member!

I totally get it! When you first join, you are still learning the ropes so how could you possibly teach someone else, right? But the truth is, it's so much easier to learn WITH someone than to teach someone! 

You should definitely be offering the opportunity from day ONE! Back to that list of 100 again! Go down that list and put a star next to anyone you think would be great at this. Reach out to them and ask if they have ever considered making money with Scentsy! You will probably get a bunch of no's at first. That's totally normal, but you're planting a seed! Don't bug them again but keep in mind they now know you have offered the opportunity and when they think of Scentsy in the future they will think of you and the opportunity. It's not for everyone so don't feel discouraged when someone says no!

When you are closing a party, be sure you mention the host exclusive kit to your host. If your host doesn't want it, you can offer it to ANYONE! This must be communicated in private if it's not for your host's own party as it's considered a personal special.  Growing a team is  the way to earn REAL income with Scentsy. You will have to work 1000x harder to make enough PRV to earn income than you would with a team and earning bonuses! Work smarter, not harder.

Not only does this boost your income but it builds a better version of you. Seeing your teammates succeed is one of the best feelings in this business! You begin to build a FAMILY in Scentsy. Your team will inspire and motivate you every single day, and you will do the same for them! 

Again, I get it. It may seem scary to recruit right now while you're still learning, but I'm telling you it will make you a stronger leader faster. So be afraid, and do it anyway.

Here's QUEEN of motivation Ms. Anna Hughes on being a Recruiting Rockstar 


CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve submitted your first party order and now you’re anxious to dig in! You may feel a little overwhelmed and maybe not sure where to begin.

The absolute first thing to do is take everything out of the box and LABEL YOUR PRODUCT. Your Starter Kit might have included a sheet of blank labels to add your contact information, or you can use avery.com and print on any store bought labels to make your own custom design! Branding yourself will give your customers a reason to remember who YOU are and come back to you next time.

Avery has a design & print feature that comes in handy big time. It’s FREE to use and very user friendly. You will want to label all of your bars and warmers. On full size warmers I encourage you to label the bottom of the warmer itself, not just the box. That way if a customer tosses their box, they still have your contact information when their bulb burns out or they need a wax refill. Pro tip: bulb size can be found on the bottom of most warmers & on the tag attached to the cord!

In your workstation when you submit your order, type in "bags" to add customer bags to your orders, they're 10 for $1! Or you can purchase cellophane wrap from a craft store or amazon. Tie them with a ribbon. You can get ribbon from anywhere! I get mine from Amazon because I can always find what I'm looking for without having to run around to different stores.

All of my customer orders receive a promotional flyer of some sort, a catalog if they're a new customer or if it's their first order in the catalog season, a couple samples, a thank you note and a copy of their order form. 

Let your hosts and customers know when their orders have arrived and make sure you get them out within 24-48 hours! Don't make them wait too long! This will build their trust in you. DO NOT spend too much money on packaging. You can even find lots of cute things for packaging at Dollar Tree to stick with a tight budget!

Here we are...day 15! You made it through your first 15 days!
Did you reach Shooting Star? AKA 500 PRV in your first 15 days?
If not, that's okay! Most consultants don't! Make sure to keep yourself inspired.
Your final challenge is to write your goal for the rest of the month on a sticky note and place it somewhere you will see it every single day & go for it!
If you believe what you write, you CAN achieve it!
It does not matter if you live in the middle of nowhere, have a thousand consultants around you, don't have many friends, are busy all the time, etc.
If you want it...your hard and never give up and it be yours! No excuses! They will hold you back. You have to believe it to achieve it. You can do this!
Here is an awesome video to help keep you on track!

I hope this helped you learn something and helped you get your business off to a great start! Feel free to comment with any questions you have and use your resources! You don't need a supportive sponsor. You have all the same resources as everyone else. Of course it helps to have a great sponsor but we are not all that lucky! The most important thing is that you teach yourself and never stop training! Here's to a successful business! You got this!


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